Essential Skills
Dismantling Racism: Strategies for Equity
What the course covers:
- Be able to outline examples of what racism might look like in your service and staff team
- Be a better ally and be able to have healthy conversations about race
- Understand what white privilege is and what this looks like
- Have enhanced awareness of what culturally and racially specific issues staff of colour might experience in the workplace
- Be able to embrace acceptable language around race and ethnicity
- Be better informed of ways to help establish an anti-racist culture
- Have improved knowledge of the processes to report racism in the workplace and share details of the EDI Network and its purpose
How this course can be completed:
- Webinar: this course lasts approximately 1 learning hour
- Classroom: this course lasts approximately 3 learning hours
How to book on to a course:
Creative Support staff – You can find dates for this course on our webinar rota. To book on to a course, please complete an
application form
Participants from other organisations – Please complete this application form or contact James Perkins at: // 07972 735 378
How to request a course for your service:
To request an additional course for your service, please complete the Extra Training Request Form. This is an online form. Once submitted, this will be sent to our training coordinators who will be in touch with more information.